Can You Use A Telescope During The Day

Can You Use A Telescope During The Day? Explained (2022)

Appreciating the night sky or peeking through a solar eclipse is a hundred times better when viewed from a telescope. 

The naked eye can only perceive so much, but it fails to behold the magnificent beauty of bright stars. 

While we may see an amazing sight in the evening, daytime astronomy is becoming a thing. That’s why it begs the question: can you use a telescope during the day?

Read on and find out.

Is It Possible To Use A Telescope During The Daytime?

Yes. Using a telescope during the day is possible, but it isn’t as effective in daylight hours as at night. 

A telescope only magnifies the light reflected by deep-space objects – you need a dark sky to see these celestial objects in more detail.

Conversely, telescopes are useful in bright sun when bird-watching or observing the sunset. 


  • See celestial objects
  • Watch the sun safely
  • Daytime observation is safer
  • Enough light to watch sceneries
  • Observe the brightest stars


  • Requires proper safety precautions
  • Difficulty in viewing stars and planets

Fascinating Daytime Targets


The sun is the closest star to Earth, but it is impossible to look at the sun directly in broad daylight. 

The good news is that you can use a telescope during the day to do this.  You can view it without straining your eyes using a full-aperture solar filter. 

With high magnification, even the surface granulation along the sun and all other planets in the solar system becomes visible.


Just like the sun, the moon also becomes visible in the sky during the day. You don’t even require a full moon to catch a glimpse of the planetary mass. 

A telescope during the day allows you to take advantage of observing the crater-filled planet.

The Stars

Unlike the sun, which is visible in daylight, stars remain hidden from the naked eye. You will only see the brightest star when you observe the atmosphere with a telescope during the day. 

Discerning celestial objects is more obvious at night time, but that’s not to say it’s impossible to find some with great care.


There’s so much more to daylight astronomy than just looking at the sun. Using a telescope during the day also enables you to see a planet (or planets, if you’re lucky). 

The only challenge is finding their right coordinates through the curtain of clouds and sunlight blocking you. Some of the planets you could see include Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury.

International Space Station

The International Space Station is a large spacecraft that orbits the Earth. It serves as a home for astronauts and cosmonauts. 

Don’t expect to see this spaceship as often, even with telescopes at hand— it is only observed at a time among nations [1]. 

Nonetheless, the ISS is another wonder that astronomy enthusiasts could enjoy monitoring regardless of the time. 

Landscape Views

The benefit of using telescopes at night compared to day is the ability to observe some of the best sceneries on Earth. 

Don’t fixate on the sky or the sun, especially when the cloud cover is thick. 

The next obvious candidate for enjoying the view is your surroundings. Capture every detail that your eyesight never could.


While you can view Mercury, the rings of Saturn, or the blue of Neptune with a telescope, they can be hard to find during the day. 

Conversely, the wonderful wildlife around is always up for observation. 

Take some time to focus your telescope and eyesight somewhere within reach. When bright spots of a star begin appearing, then proceed with astronomy.

Safety Precautions During Daytime Telescope Viewing 

using telescope in daytime

Keep Your Telescope In A Shaded Area

Observing through a telescope is always fun, but make sure you stay in a shaded area during the course of your telescope viewing. 

Otherwise, the optical tube assemblies can significantly heat up. 

In that case, your telescope will be too hot to handle or even peek into. Once you have observed your telescope heating up, move to another shade or cover it with a white cloth.

Use An Approved Solar Filter

Without an approved filter, your eyes could suffer permanent damage if you gaze at the sun while trying to observe the moon or another planet. 

It’s not enough to point your telescope away from the sun – having telescopes with filters is a must [2].

If you lack the peripheral equipment required, keep your observation time during the night. Otherwise, expect some eye strain or permanent injury when using telescopes during the day.

Hydrate, Wear Sunscreen, A Hat, & Stay In The Shade

Unlike the night, the sun’s intense heat is not only damaging to telescopes but also to the skin. Telescopic observation should not be at the expense of your health. 

To make your planet-viewing worthwhile, make sure to always drink water, wear appropriate sunscreen, a hat, and remain under shade. 

After all, what good it is to catch a glimpse of Venus’ pristine beauty if you look haggard yourself?

What’s The Best Time To Use A Telescope?

The best time for space observation will always be at night. When the sun is no longer in sight, the stars and moon reveal themselves gloriously across the night sky. 

Plus, you’re already free from the inconvenience of dealing with searing temperatures and potential optical injuries.

While some people observed galactic objects during the day, they did it with precision. You must accurately point telescopes in the right direction to locate your objectives. 

Still, you will find more success if you observe at night.

Is It Safe To Use The Telescope During The Daytime?

That depends on two things: 

  1. Peripheral accessories you’re using
  2. What you’re trying to observe

If you’ll avoid the sky and focus solely on wildlife and other sceneries, using a telescope during the day is fine. In fact, there are many things to enjoy that you’ll spend hours fixed on the lens. 

However, if you’re on an expedition to explore Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury, you must have the appropriate filter to back you up. 

Without one, you risk putting your eyes in harm’s way when you point the device in the wrong direction.


Is it better to use the telescope during nighttime than daytime?

It depends on what you intend to observe. Telescopes were originally designed to be used during the day. 

After all, their sole purpose is to observe surroundings and wildlife and zoom in on far views. 

A reflector telescope, on the other hand, was meant to be used at night to view the moon and other planetary bodies. 

While you can use them during the day, it’s best to have a filter to protect your eyes from the sun.

What type of telescope can be used during the day?

All telescopes can be utilized during the day to observe celestial bodies in the sky. However, you need to have the appropriate sun filter in order to make your viewing worthwhile and safe.

Otherwise, you’re putting your eyes and safety at risk if the device gazes at the sunlight with your eyes in the lens.

Can you use a telescope when it is cloudy?

It depends. You will hardly see heavenly objects when it is cloudy since your view will be covered. 

However, you can still take advantage of your telescope to observe wildlife, sceneries, and wonderful views using the telescope. 

Just make sure to pair it with the appropriate sun lens to keep your eyes out of harm’s way. Once the cloud is out of the way, then you can resume your search for Jupiter.

Key Takeaways

Operating a telescope during the day is becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Deep-space objects can still reveal themselves in the morning for people who don’t want to stay up too late. 

All that matters is you keep things safe and injury-free by using the appropriate filter to protect your eyes from sunlight.

We hope this guide has been helpful if you have ever wondered if it’s safe to use a telescope during the day. Bottom line: it is, but with the exceptions mentioned above.



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